Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Baby Shower At Faith Baptist Church Spokane

Here I Am At 31 Weeks!

Lots Of Gifts From Good Friends!

Measuring My Tummy To See Who Cut The Right Amount Of String!

It Was Close But Lori (On The Left) Was The Offical Winner!


Jennie Bender said...

How fun!
You look great!
I hope you received some nice things. =)

heidi said...

31 WEEKS??!!! YAY..you're almost there! Looks like you had a great shower! You look beautiful! I love the last picture! luv ya!

The Bryants said...

I enjoyed the pictures. Everytime I see pictures of Spokane I want to visit! I can't believe it has been 8 years!!

You look great...and really happy! I can't wait to "meet" your little guy!

Katie K said...


I had no idea you're having a baby!


Heather said...

Where are our final updates? I know it's the holidays and you feel like you are going to burst, but I would LOVE one last prego picture! Please!

Especially since you aren't coming to visit any of us on the west coase until have your little one is born =)

By the time you get over here, I should know if I am having another boy or girl =) Our adoption should almost be finalized too! Aren't kids fun? Fill us in when you have the chance, love you cuz!