Friday, November 16, 2007

8 days and counting

Well, If it didn't seem real before it does now. Eric's Grandmother "Gram" came in on Wednesday afternoon. I was able to pick her up from the airport and spend a little time with her. Eric drove down on Thursday and the three of us spent the day together. We went to the court house and got our marriage licence. So, it is all a go. =) Then Thursday evening Eric's parents came in. We are all looking forward to Thanksgiving together and then the wedding. It is all come very quickly, but i am thrilled and am getting more excited every day.


JRich said...

I can't believe it's so close. Monty and I were going over the plans for the week and most of them have to do with your wedding. I'm so excited. Let me know if I can help more.

The DeGarmos said...

it is so close yet so far away,but it is worth it. seriously I love you guys and you will make a great couple and I know you will make a GREAT PASTORS WIFE. Love you lots